
【独家】西人市长女儿来信  加国风气治安环境变糟了

2015-08-27 汉加风






环境嘈杂 日益差了

小区的另一大变化,就是老住户渐渐都搬走了,搬进来的新住户,有些习惯让他不是很适应。比如斜对面一家,从买来主人就没怎么住过,都是一些零散住客。有一次一群半大孩子在里面搞Party ,晚上11点了还来敲门,问他家里有没有扑克牌。这些临时住客走之前,也不管是不是收垃圾日,就把垃圾扔到外面,日常垃圾2周才收一次,早早放在外面,被小动物咬破袋子,满车道都是臭垃圾,延续数天。





在BC列治文市生活多年的西人kerry Starchuk,列市前市长的女儿,最近给汉加风平台转发了一封她写给Richmond News 的信,满腹牢骚:

We've read it over and over again. The City of Richmond’s Vision statement is “to be the most liveable, appealing and well-managed community in Canada,” and the Inter cultural Advisory Committee advocates Richmond “to be the most welcoming, inclusive and harmonious community in Canada.”
Well, as the saying goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Is Richmond liveable? Wherever I go I regularly see garbage piled up on the street. And yet a $5 purchase for a voucher from the City of Richmond entitles a resident to dispose of large household items. With a bit of effort we can all dispose responsibly of our unwanted belongings. Furthermore, numerous charity organisations will relieve us of unwanted items, which they can re-sell.
Is Richmond appealing? Real estate signs and various advertisements litter the road medians and intersection corners every weekend. Since when did our public streets become venues for free advertising for private businesses?
Is Richmond well-managed? When an older house is sold, it is almost always demolished. Why are we destroying perfectly good houses, only to glut an overfull landfill? Many construction sites are a total disaster. Most of them are not cleaned up between the start and finish of the project. More and more we see port-o-potties on the street, even though there is room on the construction site. Where is the respect for neighbours?
Is Richmond welcoming, inclusive, harmonious? Many of our neighbourhoods are saddled with a growing number of houses that are vacant and unattended. Should the neighbours have to report the unsightly premises to the city? It would be the neighbourly thing to knock on the door, but what if the gate is locked and the owners live overseas or can't communicate in one of official languages? Are our houses now no longer homes, but just commodities?
It has been heartbreaking to see our beautiful city go down the drain. Where does the responsibility lie? Is it City Hall lacking the will to enforce by-laws already in place? Is it council members unwilling to acknowledge continuing challenges? Or is it the residents who just don’t care?
Richmond’s CAO George Duncan also has a Vision statement: “Ultimately, it’s about the legacy we will create. We are working today to create a better community – a community that will not only be better today, but also better for our kids and their children. We want people to look back 20 to 30 years from now at what we've done and have absolutely no doubt that we got it right." " Good is not good enough.”
Never in a million years would I have imagined living in such chaos. Perhaps I should have taken the advice of a top City Hall elected official when we were discussing the monstrous rise in the price and ‘value’ of real estate in Richmond in 2011. “Take the money and run,” he had said ‘facetiously.’ But I don’t know where to run since this is my home.
My grandma was born in Steveston in 1901 and died there in 1997. She never wanted to leave Richmond. For the last five years I have questioned the complex, difficult challenges every day, after living here for 50-plus years. I ask myself, is it going to get better, or will I have to move away, as so many other long time residents of Richmond have done?






